Sustainable Travel

On April 22nd, Earth Day is celebrated. This is an annual event to demonstrate support for environmental protection, while raising awareness of various challenges that we continue to face across the globe.

The theme for this particular year is ‘Planet vs. Plastics’.

Each one of us has a part to play. We can take individual responsibility for our relationship with plastic waste, choosing to reduce, reuse or recycle. Our choices can prevent plastic transit to our oceans, waterways, lakes and rivers.

As a tour company operator, we take particular pride in showcasing the beauty of our island. The majesty of our coastline. The stories, craic and humour to be found in interactions all over the country.

Nothing sours this relationship as strongly as a filthy beach. A littered bus. A polluted river. A graffitied landmark. Many of these incidents can of course be avoided.

As custodians of this land, we should strive to pass it onto future generations in a better state than how we found it.

Earth Day also gives us pause to consider how else we can improve our relationship with the planet. Buses are one of the more eco-friendly ways to see the tourist sights. It has been estimated that travelling by bus rather than flying could decrease your carbon footprint by up to 77.5%. Foregoing rental of a car and opting for bus instead has been shown to be beneficial in a number of ways:

  • Greatly reduce CO2 emissions
  • More affordable in the long-term
  • Contributes to cleaner communities
  • More fuel-efficient than personal vehicles

Many of the tourist attractions on the Wild Atlantic Way now cater for electric vehicles by providing electric charges for cars and buses. At the Cliffs of Moher, there is a ‘lifts of Moher’ electric vehicle to improve accessibility for people with disabilities or reduced mobility. Other efforts to reduce carbon emissions include:

  • Encouraging public transport and offer complimentary tickets to walker and cyclists
  • Staff are transported to and from work on a shuttle bus service during the summer months
  • Lighting throughout the site are LED and the Green Team lead all projects in waste and energy management
  • Air handling and heating requirements come from a renewable energy source in the form of ground source heat pumps and geothermal heat systems. Gas is only used as a back-up.

One of our most popular tours includes Kylemore Abbey. Similarly, efforts to improve sustainability have not gone unnoticed, such as the launch of a biodiversity programme with NUI Galway, to protect the environment around Kylemore.

As a nation, Ireland has a detailed Climate Action Plan to achieve a 51% reduction in overall greenhouse gas emissions by 2030.

Citizens around the world are uniting to tackle climate change and improve living conditions for all. This is a battle that we all face. Every citizen has a vested interest in the outcome.

This Earth Day, what steps will you take to make a greener, cleaner Ireland?

You can check out our range of daily bus tours departing from Galway City Centre by visiting our tours page here.

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